
Are you interested in serving on a committee?
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Architectural Control

The HOA Board members work closely with the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) to coordinate review of applications for architectural changes as well as implementing the process to ensure compliance with guidelines and property maintenance standards.


The purpose of the Grievance Committee is to provide a forum where property owners may receive an impartial hearing of their complaints by a group of their peers, to issue an advisory opinion to the Board for enforcement. It shall consist of five or more residents, who must be members of good standing, appointed by the Board of Directors.

Covenants and Policies

Reviews the covenants and policies to identify outdates, unclear, and incorrect articles, sections, and policies that need corrected, removed, or updates.

Social and Events

The social committee generates enthusiasm and maintains interest in the community lifestyle. They organize social events and activities geared toward homeowners, like block parties, holiday celebrations, and garage sales, to facilitate positive experiences and neighborly interactions.


Committee members help ensure that the common area landscapes are beautiful and well-maintained.


Assembles, records, and preserves benchmark accomplishments and historic events within the community.


The Nominating Committee is appointed at the Annual Meeting. Nomination for election to the Board of Directors shall be made by the Nominating Committee. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting of the Membership (subject to procedural rules adopted by the Board). The Nominating Committee works closely with Association staff during the Board Election process in both reviewing candidate applications and meeting with prospective candidates.