
What is my Assessment Rate?

Payments are due annually on the 31st of January. Payments may also be separated into two easy payments for a small fee due in January and July.

How is the rate established?

Assessments are established each year by the Board of Directors as part of their approval of the Association annual budget.

How do I Make a Payment?

The HOA strives to make its processes as convenient as possible for Homeowners to navigate. Assessment fees can be paid any of the following ways:

  1. Online
    Residential Portal - Credit/Debit Card
    All payments will incur a 3% processing fee to be added to the final payment amount. Debit is $9.99; Credit is 3.54%, and e-check is $2.49.
  2. Mail - Check
    Send check or money order with statement, labeling with your account number, property address and phone number, to the address listed. Be sure to mail early enough to arrive by the due date:

    Postal Address: 1st American Management
    c/o Falling Waters HOA
    3408 Enterprise Ave.
    Valparaiso, IN 46307

Contact the Property Manager, Bridget Schickel, at FallingWatersHOA@1stPropertyManagers.com if you have any questions regarding your account balance.